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Life without Barbecues......NEVER


Chicken Barbecue on a Weber Grill.

Welcome to the world of barbeques. The basic barbeque made in India and around the world in the Chichen Barbeque which in India is also known as the famous " Tandoori Chicken" which is traditionally made in tandoor or clay oven

However, to move a step further we use the pioneers of barbeque grills " Webers" and this post would give you a step by step guide to enjoy succulent barbeque chicken.

You will need the following ingredients and equipment:


Chicken pieces (such as drumsticks, thighs, or boneless breasts)

Barbecue sauce (store-bought or homemade)

Dry rub or seasoning (optional)

Salt and pepper

Olive oil or cooking spray


Weber grill

Charcoal or gas for grilling

Charcoal chimney starter or gas ignition system

Tongs or spatula for handling the chicken

Meat thermometer (optional, but recommended)

Step-by-Step Guide: Preparing Chicken Barbecue on Weber Grill

Prepare the Grill:

If you're using a charcoal grill, fill a chimney starter with charcoal and ignite it until the coals are hot and ashy. Then, spread the coals evenly in the grill. But if  you're using a gas grill, preheat it to medium-high heat.

Season the Chicken:

Season the chicken pieces with salt, pepper, and any desired dry rub or seasoning. This step is optional, as you can also marinate the chicken beforehand if you prefer.

Oil the Grill Grates:

Before placing the chicken on the grill, brush the grates with olive oil or use cooking spray to prevent sticking.

Grill the Chicken:

Place the chicken pieces on the grill, ensuring they're not overcrowded and have space between them.

If using a charcoal grill, cover the grill with the lid, with the vents partially open. Adjust the vents to maintain a consistent temperature.

If using a gas grill, close the lid.

Cook the chicken for about 5-7 minutes per side, depending on the thickness of the pieces.

Use tongs or a spatula to flip the chicken halfway through the cooking time.

Optional: Brush barbecue sauce on the chicken during the last few minutes of grilling, allowing it to caramelize and create a flavorful glaze.

Check for Doneness:

To ensure the chicken is cooked thoroughly, you can use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature. The chicken should reach 165°F (74°C) for safe consumption.


Once the chicken is cooked, remove it from the grill and let it rest for a few minutes.

Serve the chicken barbecue with additional barbecue sauce on the side, if desired.

Enjoy your delicious chicken barbecue prepared on the Weber grill!


Remember to exercise caution when working with a grill, and always follow proper safety guidelines.


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